Change History
- TitanLocation: Fix for mapID returning a value when it shouldn't due to Blizzard error. Thank you to grogo_war for the fix. Ticket #50.
- TitanClassicRepair: Added in GuildBank repair option.
- Updated for WoW 2.5.2 release.
- Wrapped all the global routines in arith's LibDropDownMenu library to handle plugins that use more of the library than Titan Panel does.
- TitanClassicLootType: Fix to restore LootType background and border due to some Blizzard changes on the rolling pop-up.
- Fixed played-time message showing up when Silenced start was active.
- TitanClassicRepair: Updated some additional localizations for discounts.
- TitanClassicClock: Added option to display both server and local times. Ticket #1305.
- Updated LibDropDownMenu library to version 4 and there is a bug in the library where a drop down may stay visible/active.
- TitanClassicRepair: Added new reputation discounts and updated localizations to reflect that.
- Updated for WoW 1.13.7 release (Classic Era (CE)).
- Added a fix for the colorSwatch nil that was occurring on some characters.
- Updated for WoW 2.5.1 release (The Burning Crusade Classic (TBCC) Beta).
- Update Ace3 in advance of updated Burning Crusades (BC) (Starting with 9.0.5 API).
- Update per Backdrop change in API 9.0.5 which is what TBCC will use.
- Fixed LibDropDownMenu per Backdrop change - Note: This makes our version different than Arith's lib which we hope he updates soon.
- Update slider XML & code. Thanks to gulfar for the code once again. This impacts Clock, Volume, and Performance.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Fix for non-ammo using classes to show '--' as it used to.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Change so 'label' is now the weapon name and count is ammo - even if mismatched.
- Added esMX localization.
- Corrected 'Silenced' check preventing proper initialization of TitanXP. Retail Ticket #1297.
- Within TitanMovable added the frame UIWidgetTopCenterContainerFrame so this frame can hold Alliance/Horde zone info in Silithus.
- Updated for WoW 1.13.6 release.
- Updated for WoW 1.13.5 release.
- TitanXP: Correction for XP gains within Korean localization.
- TitanClassicRegen: Switched HP/MP localization values within CN and TW localization for TitanClassicRegen. (Ticket #34).
- TitanClassicRepair: Added PVP Rank 3 and Combined values for 10% and 20% repair discounts. (Ticket #32).
- TitanClassicLootType: Added symbol to messages for easier viewing.
- TitanClassicLootType: Swapped the position of the 'start' and 'result' buttons to improve the overall UI experience.
- TitanClassicRepair: Added missing glove slot within the repair list and calculation. (Ticket #33).
- Updated Interface to 11304.
- TitanClassicLootType: Added a roll tracker for party and raid leaders. As a party/raid leader,
simply left-click on the bar button and it will initiate a roll for the party/raid. Anyone using TitanClassicLootType
will also have the tracker frame appear. Results are sorted. No value means a user hasn't rolled. A zero means the user
passed. At the end, the leader and 'Announce' and it will show who won. If a non-leader left-clicks on the bar button,
it behaves normally and will roll a 1-100 result. For the leader, the 'Start' button will start a new roll but just
opening the frame does the same. The 'Remind' button will send a /whisper to each person who hasn't rolled asking them
do so. The 'Results' button shows who won the roll. When the leader closes their results frame, it will send a command
for all of the other TitanClassicLootType frames to close for the party. The use of TitanClassicLootType is not required
as non-users can simply /roll or say "pass" in party/raid chat and the system will automatically parse those results.
- Updated Interface to 11303.
- TitanClassicLocation: Fixed showing only subzone data. (Ticket #28).
- Updated Interface to 11303.
- Corrected AllBlack and BlackPlusOne skin bottom graphics. (Ticket #25).
- Updated all localizations with new TitanClassicLocation toggle for Subzone/Zone display.
- TitanClassicLocation: Added an option to show either Zone - Subzone or Subzone data on the button. (Ticket #26).
- TitanClassicBag: Updated Bag to properly count ammo / shard / profession bags per user option selection. (Ticket #23).
- Updated Movable to remove user placed usage (forced per retail 8.0); user can now move frames Blizzard allows to be moved. (Ticket #21).
- Removed the debug statement. (Ticket #24).
- TitanClassicLocation: Change per ticket to have the upper right align properly. (Ticket #16).
- TitanClassicRepair: Uncommented the 'ranged' array entry; Had to change the API routines used because the correct lookup string could not be found. (Ticket #18).
- TitanClassicLocation: Indentation fix for XML.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Improved thrown weapon color threshold values and corrected stack totals for color threshold values.
- Remove check to open Calendar (shift+left button) and remove the tooltip reference. (Ticket #20).
- TitanClassicRepair: Removed extra reputation discounts from tooltip.
- Fixed team description.
- TitanClassicRepair: Fixed a syntax error in the cost output line.
- TitanClassicRegen: Fixed right-click menu display; renamed function; added localization text; corrected filenames; fixed API calls; adjusted formatting; code clean up.
- TitanClassicRegen: Updated to ensure only mana is checked to avoid confusion (unit power checks focus, etc.)
- TitanClassicAmmo: Changed to display "--" instead of "No Ammo" if class does not use ammo.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Updated localizations for changes to 'no ammo' and ammo types.
- Updated localizations to clean up team line by adding a local variable TITAN_PANEL_ONLY.
- TitanClassicRepair: Removed all entries for Friendly, Revered and Exalted discounts.
- TitanClassicRegen: This plugin has been reintroduced to the core package.
- Emergency patch to revert change to Movable that was preventing the bottom bar from shifting up bottom frames properly.
- Removed more OrderHall code. Ticket #9.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Updated threshold values per ammo type. Ticket #5.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Updated code to show ammo name, even for thrown. Ticket #7.
- Removed OrderHall slash commands from localizations.
- Removed guild bank text for TitanClassicRepair from all localizations.
- Updated Movable to allow the player and target frames to be moved using the Blizz UI.
- TitanClassicLocation: Updated to allow the user to select where they want the coords on the (large) world map and also updated the locales. Ticket #12.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Fixed logic for both hunter type ammos. INVTYPE_RANGED is used for arrows and INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT is used for shot. Thanks to Kernigan for reporting on this. Ticket #3.
- TitanClassicRepair: Removed guild bank logic which was preventing auto-repair at a vendor. Thanks to Kernighan for reporting this. Ticket #4.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Fixed logic that was preventing the plugin from loading in Titan Panel Classic. However, the plugin checking logic worked flawlessly preventing a bugged plugin from causing a problem within Titan Panel Classic so there is some good news.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Fixed some logic for inventory count for warriors.
- Corrected error in Russian ruRU localization.
- TitanClassicLocation: Fixed left-click causing WorldMapFrame to appear on the left side of the screen.
- Updated localization data.
- TitanClassicLocation: Removed IsMaximized check that doesn't exist in Classic.
- Renamed "Titan Development Team" to "Titan Panel Development Team".
- Fixed GetAddOnMetadata call for versioning data which was still looking for "Titan" instead of "TitanClassic".
- A bunch of TITAN_ID fixes for "TitanClassic" as that is what is loading from the toc. What a pain in the ass.
- More updates for L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Titan", true) changing to TitanClassic.
- TitanClassicLootType: Removed DungeonDifficulty and RaidDifficulty calls as they don't exist in Classic.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Updated Bullet Name localization to camelcase as intended.
- Localization updates for Titan Panel Classic definitions.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Cleaned up code.
- Fixed missing icons for built-in plugins.
- Fixed missing artwork.
- Initial release of Titan Panel Classic based on the Titan Panel build which included a huge number of changes. This is why we will not be releasing Titan Panel as a multi-version release and will separate them as the bloat necessary to make this work would be horrible.
- TitanClassicAmmo: Added this back into the base code and debugged.
- TitanClassicBag: Added Ammo and Shard bags back into the code base and debugged.
- TitanClassicMovable: Modified base code to allow for frame modifications as Classic is certainly not Retail.
- Fixed ToolTip issues.
- Removed 'Disable Minimap Adjust'
- TitanClassicAmmo: Corrected threshold colors.